Our testing services represent an important step in the construction process of a work. Through rigorous and detailed evaluation, we verify the conformity of the realized construction works with respect to design requirements and industry regulations, in Italy and abroad. We put in place quality control procedures aimed at ensuring the full reliability and safety of the built works, assuring the client the realization of a high-performing and highly durable finished work. With an approach oriented to precision and competence, our testing service stands as a guarantee of success and satisfaction for all those involved in the project realization process.
Infrastructure-Building Information Modeling (I-BIM) is the digital management system for infrastructure construction information processes now in widespread use in companies. The benefits collected by Masera Engineering Group included having a tool for interaction between all disciplines and sharing information at all levels of design, so that the work is always on track and synergistic. A fluidity of sharing could be experienced, which is an added benefit in facilitating dialogue and stakeholder feedback.
BIM, parametric engineering and interoperability with FEM
Parametric engineering involves the creation of a flexible geometric model that incorporates parameters and numerical relationships between them using visual programming codes. Repetitive operations are automatized, allowing the model to be updated by changing input data. Therefore, the parametric model becomes an optimal framework that offers multiple solutions based on the values imposed for each parameter, without the need to redefine the model. Through the parametric approach, a complete workflow is defined that allows the development of both the FEM model for structural analysis and the BIM model with geometric and nongeometric information. This methodology ensures the interaction and synchronization of both models.

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Head of Busineess International